Saturday, May 9, 2009

my good friends in smkbud2

my friends are umm my best friend is kuan yu feng he was the 1st guy tat was brave enuf to friend me lol,and umm there was a gurl there too her name is lee pui yi she was sitting nxt to kuan yu feng.Umm who eles oh ya there was a gay guy name lim kien huang AKA shaun gay was kinda lan ci coz he was so damn bloody rich and oways acted like a f-ing bitch so i din care lah coz i new in this skul so i carry on with life.ok 1 day i went to center point to eat lunch then i met a cute gurl lahh she was kinda popular in the skul and her name carine so she was so umm how to say umm... friendly so she said hi to me aand we chat like for 5 min lol.. then i said to myself phew! i met someone populer ady wait a go bryan lol... she was nice lah umm alot more lah..

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