Saturday, June 6, 2009

love some 1 for real

since now i am so bored y don i write something about love la k ... ok here goes ok when u first meet a gurl/guy u will go like umm how to say u will frooze am i rite.well that happen to me la a few times haha... so 1ce u make a move on her/him u must cherish her/him example try to make him/her happy as much as u can and try to avoid fights but still need to make conversetion but if u have to tell the truth about them juz have faith nd courage to try but don amke to harsh or that person will like get upset and stuff la and always hang wit her/him so that they know tat have u no matter wat but give him/her some space or they will think u will b controlling them example she is out wit guys and i know u all will like see him/her wit a gang of guys/gurls u will get jeoleos rite example guys see hes gurl wit his frens insted of u ofcoz u feel jeoleos rite so juz try to control k unless they r tackleing ur gurl of coz ta da here i am not to b afrid u go to the rescue but when u fight them b caution don make a fool of urself BTW MAKE SURE U R 100% SURE TAT THEY R TAKLEING UR GURL if not then the gurl will hate u more coz the gurl will think u r to protective no space for her to hang samu for u to gurls k :) ok nxt calls at night make sure u guys try to call/sms her no matter wad u out wit frens or family and talk about ur day and how was it and juz b4 u put down make sure u say I LOVE U!! and GOOD NIGHT for those in a relationship for quite sometime say I LUV YA AND GOOD NITE DARLING/SWEETIE and then let the gurl put down 1st juz incase if she need to say something eles.ok anymore umm... oh ya guys when u both go out for dinner u must pay so bring atleast a hundread juz incase wat the gurls want to eat k and umm... don act retarded when u r around him/her don act so cool aka macha and don be so a showoff aka lan ci try not to b a joke k tats all thk peace out and good luck wit ur love life i bet u try and to wad i told u mann the gurl/guy will like b saying this is my day dream come tru lolx k la bye bye

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